
Recognizing Exceptional Service

25-year Service Awards banner

Western’s reputation as a top research-intensive university is a tribute to the dedication and commitment of our employees. It’s the collective impact of each of our faculty and staff members that makes all the difference. The 25-Year Service Award is one of the ways Western acknowledges and celebrates the contributions of long-serving faculty and staff members.

Congratulations to our service awardees on attaining this significant milestone of 25-year of service! Western appreciates all the contributions that you have made over the years.

25-Year Ceremony - Fall 2023

A 25-Year Ceremony was held in the fall of 2023 to celebrate this important milestone. 

2023 Recipients

Mark A. Bernards

Mark A. Bernards

Simon Baarbe

Simon Baarbe

Paul Bartlett

Paul Bartlett

Pam Bere

Pam Bere

Dawn Bryce

Dawn Bryce

Paul Buttone

Paul Buttone

Gedas Cepinskas

Gedas Cepinskas

Peter Chidiac

Peter Chidiac

Jeni Duro

Jeni Duro

Marta Dyczok

Marta Dyczok

Darren Eveland

Darren Eveland

Debb Faulkner

Debb Faulkner

Ramona Fudge

Ramona Fudge

Pamela Goarley

Pamela Goarley

Lyn Guenther

Lyn Guenther

Liz Hill

Liz Hill

Andrew House

Andrew House

Jamie Howes

Jamie Howes

Jisuo Jin

Jisuo Jin

Joanne Kirby

Joanne Kirby

Lars Konermann

Lars Konermann

Tracey Koring

Tracey Koring

Peter Lemon

Peter Lemon

Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi

Anita Lowry

Anita Lowry

Clare Mitchell

Clare Mitchell

Ange Muir

Ange Muir

Shannon Neil

Shannon Neil

James Noel

James Noel

Fernando Olivera

Fernando Olivera

Grace Parraga

Grace Parraga

Daisy Pavri

Daisy Pavri

Cathy Peckan

Cathy Peckan

Melissa Pickering

Melissa Pickering

Kelly Regan

Kelly Regan

Ram Singh

Ram Singh

Romayne Smith Fullerton

Romayne Smith Fullerton

Sally Stewart

Sally Stewart

Marcia Steyaert

Marcia Steyaert

Todd Stinebrickner

Todd Stinebrickner

Shelley Taylor

Shelley Taylor

Gary Tithecott

Gary Tithecott

Additional 2023 Recipients

  • Afzel Mohammed
  • Alan Skanes
  • Angie Mandich
  • Arthur Brown
  • Arun Prakash
  • Barbara Thomas
  • Bill Pavlosky
  • Brian Shilton
  • Caroline Despard
  • Charles Jones
  • Christine Ramsden
  • Dalton Wolfe
  • David Dixon
  • David Driman
  • David Heinrichs
  • David Keast
  • David Smith
  • Devleta Delic
  • Edward Tweedie
  • Ellen Rosen
  • Elliot Gnidec
  • Fatima Costa
  • Fraser Johnson
  • Gabbi Whitlock
  • George Lazarovits
  • Gloria Grace
  • Grant Campbell
  • Gregory Gillis
  • Helen Fielding
  • Helena Basyouni
  • Hugo Bidinot
  • Huy Nguyen
  • Irena Creed
  • Iris Gutmanis
  • Iwona Waszkowska
  • Jaques Milner
  • Jatinder Takhar
  • Jenn Goulet
  • Joanne Smith
  • Joseph Megyesi
  • Kenneth Leslie
  • Kevin Mooney
  • Kirk Hamilton
  • Kristine Brown
  • Lenna Morgan
  • Lina Dagnino
  • Mandar Jog
  • Michael Harnadek
  • Michael Motolko
  • Mike Gaylard
  • Murray Awde
  • Neville Suskin
  • Nicole Bullbrook Viragos
  • O Hammerberg
  • Richard Haddad
  • Rob Black
  • Robert Bartha
  • Robert Hammond
  • Roger Khayat
  • Ron Struke
  • Ronald Butler
  • Rupa Roopchand- Mohammed
  • Sandra Katsiris
  • Sarah Jarmain
  • Simon McBride
  • Sonny Cejic
  • Stacey Blois
  • Steve Beaulac
  • Susan Pigott
  • Ting Lee
  • Todd Simpson
  • Vipin Bhayana
  • Wandee Jefferson
  • Wayne Baxter
  • Wendy Dickinson
  • Yun Yiu
  • Zorina Stepancev